Meet Todd: Buddhist, Trucker, Organizer.

for website- Todd Truck


Todd felt that “inner nudge.” You know the one. The one suggesting, then demanding, that you practice peace beyond the meditation cushion. The one longing for a community that believes in working together to address the world’s great concerns. Yep, that nudge.

Where did Todd’s nudge take him?

Like so many of today’s seekers, Todd found himself online. And there, sifting through the search results, Todd discovered Buddhist Peace Fellowship’s activist curriculum: The System Stinks.Todd signed up for a BPF membership, dove into the curriculum, and loved what he saw — so much that he decided to share. Following in the footsteps of thousands of socially engaged Buddhists before him, he introduced BPF’s programming to his local dharma community. Finally, among like-minded students in his West Michigan Zen Center, Todd found his Buddhist Activist Community.The West Michigan Buddhist Peace Group was born.Todd and the new compassionate cadre began meeting regularly sharing information from BPF’s The System Stinks curriculum. They reveled in newfound connection. Still, something was missing.

Talking was not enough.

The group started pursuing issues of homelessness and gentrification in their local community. They invited fellow activists to explore ways of supporting the rights of homeless people in the area. Other compassionate actions followed. And through the social-justice version of Indra’s Net, an interwoven web in which the jewel of each cause reflects all others, the group found its scope expanding.

On the Move: Trucker & Metta Member

Recently, Todd took a job driving a truck across the country. Now he brings his Buddhist practice everywhere he goes—in an 18-wheeler! And he still utilizes The System Stinks curriculum by taking advantage of BPF’s monthly member phone calls and contributing as a Metta Monthly Member since he can donate online with automated payments.

Your Own Journey:

Healing individuals, communities, and systems

Buddhist Peace Fellowship is entirely member-funded; we exist because of you. For 36 years, the boundless generosity of members like you has made it possible for thousands of everyday buddhas, to ignite change within their own communities. BPF has proudly provided cutting-edge Buddhist social justice tools to help members respond resolutely, skillfully, and peacefully to the world’s heartbreaking harms.Turning Wheel Media, our dynamic digital home, is broadcasting beams of much- needed encouragement. Encouragement for burnt-out activists who thirst for spiritual authenticity in a language that speaks to them. Encouragement for dharma practitioners overjoyed to find “friendly radical critical thinking” they’ve been looking for.



Will you please invest in people like Todd who are working to free this world of suffering?By supporting the Buddhist Peace Fellowship, you encourage people (en-courage people!) to take a stand and participate in compassionate action. Like Todd, you display such loyalty and dedication to liberating this world from suffering. We're so grateful for your steadfast support.We absolutely couldn't do this work without you.To make a donation (Honk for Todd!) to help people like Todd have access to The System Stinks Curriculum and/or to help bring The System Stinks to life at the upcoming 2014 National Gathering, Aug 29-31:[button color="orange" link="" size="medium" font="georgia" align="left"]DONATE NOW[/button]


Now Open! BPF Gathering Aug 29-31, 2014


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