How We Caused (and perpetuate) the African Homophobia we now Decry

faith pt 2 wigs

How We Caused (and perpetuate)

the African Homophobia we now Decry

 [divide style="2"]Transcript forthcoming — TWM apologizes for the delay and thanks you for your patience! [divide style="3"]Adiele Horizontal (1)

Faith Adiele is the author of Meeting Faith (W.W. Norton), a memoir about becoming Thailand’s first black Buddhist nun, which won the PEN Beyond Margins Award for Best Memoir.

She is the writer / narrator / subject of My Journey Home, a PBS documentary about reconciling her Nigerian / Nordic / American family; and co-editor of Coming of Age Around the World: A Multicultural Anthology (The New Press). Named as one of Marie Claire Magazine’s “5 Women to Learn From,” Faith has spoken at universities, churches, temples and community centers around the world, and her writings on spirituality, travel, and culture have been published in such periodicals as YES! and O: The Oprah Magazine. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area.[divide style="3"]Robert Aitken Roshi, carrying his signature sign at a protest

About BPF's The System Stinks

Buddhist social justice curriculumTo help promote collective liberation and subvert the highly individualistic bent of much mainstream dharma these days, Buddhist Peace Fellowship presents our second year of The System Stinks — a collection of Buddhist social justice media named for the favorite protest sign of one of our founders, Robert Aitken, Roshi.This year, we've asked some of our favorite dharma teachers, practitioners, and activists to reflect on the Four Noble Truths — suffering; the causes of suffering; cessation of suffering; and a path to cessation — from a systemic, social justice perspective.Other Buddhist groups from around the world have also used the Four Noble Truths as a lens for social movements: for good examples, the International Network of Engaged Buddhists, and the Sarvodaya movement in Sri Lanka. In a U.S.-based context (not predominantly Buddhist), where mindfulness is increasingly separated from ethics, we are eager to uphold this social justice tradition.If you like what you see, spread the word to show the world another side of Buddhism!We are deeply grateful to the teachers and practitioners who lend their voices to this cause. In alignment with our media justice values, all contributors to the 2014 series have been offered humble compensation for their work.

You can support engaged Buddhist media makers by donating to BPF.


Meet Todd: Buddhist, Trucker, Organizer.


What Would the Buddha Do?