Now Open! BPF Gathering Aug 29-31, 2014

BPF National Gathering

August 29–31, Oakland, California

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Send us your Mandala Form to indicate your interest!

(a limited number of scholarships also available. email us to find out more!)

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Wisdom. Awareness. Action.


Featuring Keynote speakers Sulak Sivaraksa and Joanna Macy


For the first time since 2006, Buddhist Peace Fellowship will host a national Gathering, meeting face to face to deepen our practice in social justice and spiritual awakening.

  • Hands-on training in nonviolent direct action
  • Dharma practice & collective healing strategies
  • Dialogues on climate justice, anti-racist organizing, economic inequality, and more
  • Community with wonderful political Buddhists & friends

See the full program here.[divide]

to be held at

East Bay Meditation Center


We are thrilled to be hosting the Gathering at the spiritual home of what Jack Kornfield has called "possibly the most diverse sangha on the planet" — a sangha with social justice at the heart of its mission.

Interested? Send us your Mandala Form today to indicate your interest!


gold raw silk

 [button color="orange" link="" size="big" font="georgia" fontw="bolder" align="center"]Go To Gathering Greeting Page[/button][divide style="2"]

If the world is to be healed by human efforts,I am convinced that it will be by ordinary people…People whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.

—Joanna Macy

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Caste, Power, Privilege, and the Second Noble Truth


Meet Todd: Buddhist, Trucker, Organizer.