There's Only One "One Earth Sangha": Don't Miss It!

One of the most infuriating pieces of news to come out last week was, of course, Shell's Polar Pioneer oil drilling rig being towed out from the Port of Seattle towards the Arctic. Instead of trying to drastically reduce the amount of carbon dioxide our society puts into the atmosphere each year, the oil companies are telling us that we can put more of it up into the air--and this time they're going to drill down for oil in the most hostile, unpredictable, and remote site to date-- the Arctic region.What with Pope Francis's recent publication of the encyclical on the environment, however, things are looking up: if only a little bit. The Eastern Orthodox metropolitan, John Zizioulas, in the press conference following the publication of the encyclical, spoke of a new dimension of sin: "ecological sin," the sin against the environment, both on an individual level and a societal level.We at BPF is all about drawing the connections between the teachings of our faith tradition and social ills, too. And, perhaps more importantly, we're interested in how Buddhism can and should shape our response to climate catastrophe.Well, here's our chance to deepen our practice while at the same time responding to climate catastrophe: sign up for the EcoSattva Training hosted by One Earth Sangha, from September 13 - November 15! BPF co-directors Dawn Haney and Katie Loncke will be presenting at 2 of the 8 sessions!Check out their training description and teacher bios here![divide style="2"](Here's an excerpt from their website that deals with the content of this training)Building on a series of five online “Mindfulness and Climate Action” conversations in the fall of 2014, One Earth Sangha is offering a series of eight online sessions to support aspiring EcoSattvas in a diverse and powerful body of response, tailored to their aspirations and abilities and grounded in the demands of their local situations. Specifically, the course will endeavor to

  1. Root Action on Climate in Dharma Practice
  2. Develop Sangha by Connecting EcoSattvas with Each Other and Outside Partners
  3. Inspire and Inform “Appropriate Response”

Interested?: Register here.


Waking Up to White Supremacy


Dharma + Direct Action Training Coming to Santa Fe!