Rights for Conscientious Objectors Now!

Organizations sign letter to Colombian Defense Minister demanding that conscientious objectors rights be respected

Buddhist Peace Fellowship and 96 other organizations, churches and academics from Europe and the United States signed a letter to Colombian Defense Minister Juan Pinzón, expressing our deep concerns about the human rights of Colombian youth who not only are recruited by illegal armed groups but also victims of illegal and irregular recruitment practices carried out by the Colombian military. The letter urges the Colombian armed forces to adopt practices throughout the Colombian military that will respect conscientious objectors, put an end to the illegal practice of street round ups (“batidas”), and adopt other recruitment protocols that strictly follow the law.Take Action: Please send an email to the Ministry of Defense in Colombia, expressing your concern about the illegal street round-ups which continue to take place throughout Colombia.  Take action here!Learn more about Conscientious Objection in Colombia from our friends who organized this, Fellowship of Reconciliation.*   *   *Photo: Conscientious Objection in Colombia


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