Health Theme Postponed Til September, More Time for Current Events

Hey everyone! Many thanks to all who've already submitted media for the month-long theme on Health! We were going to feature the submissions in August, right on the heels of our Food Justice month, but decided we needed a month of breathing room to return to News, Action, and Practice — on all sorts of topics.Hope you enjoy this month of up-to-the-minute Buddhist engagement. And in a fortuitous coincidence, here's a news tidbit for today that focuses on health, anyway! As of August, more services around sexual health now have mandatory coverage under insurance plans in the U.S. 'Bout time! Toward the good health of ALL beings, not just the wealthy humans with male-classified anatomy.


Rights for Conscientious Objectors Now!


Foreclose on the Bomb: 67 Years Since Hiroshima & Nagasaki