Right Livelihood: Going Beyond Tokenization

by aneeta mithafeeling affirmed in my creativity, in my expression and in my being is an unfamiliar feeling to me; it is an act that i'm learning to do for myself and one that i'm learning to receive from others. as a desi queer womyn of radical descent, i hardly see myself reflected in the u.s. media—we are invisibilized and subjugated to the margins of exotic, token, or impossible. turning wheel media counters this narrative, it goes beyond tokenization. it gives space for folks from many places of margin and intersection to visibilize themselves in the way they want to be seen and heard. and now, turning wheel not only wants to give space for us to create political and spiritual magic but also wants to help us, the contributors, sustain ourselves through compensating for our work. this feels good... really, really good. to be affirmed is a beautiful thing and i appreciate turning wheel so dearly for the affirmation that my expression is necessary and absolutely wonderful.[divide style="2"]aneeta is a brown queer of the desi kind living in oakland. she co-founded the radical fuckin’ sangha, a meditation and tool-building space for radicals, organizers and revolutionaries. she writes on her blog, in the process of being, where she jots down insights and musings on her most favorite practices: mindfulness, radical love and revolution. she’s happiest kickin it with the trees and the people; creating art-thoughts; sitting and breathing and workin out what will inspire the uprising of our collective liberation. she enjoys a lot of other things too.[divide]Read aneeta's other work for Turning Wheel Media here.If you would like to support aneeta's work and other media activists at Turning Wheel Media, give a contribution to our Right Livelihood campaign!

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Interdependent Co-arising and Institutionalized Ignorance


Taking Right Livelihood to the Next Level