Open Call for Proposals: BPF 2014 Gathering

Open Call For Proposals:

BPF 2014 Gathering

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Dear Friends,

Wisdom. Awareness. Action. Together!

For the first time since 2006, Buddhist Peace Fellowship will host a national gathering, meeting face to face to deepen our practice in social justice and spiritual awakening. The gathering, headlined by Sulak Sivaraksa and Joanna Macy as our Friday night keynote speakers, will take place on August 29–31, 2014 at the East Bay Meditation Center in Oakland, California and will include:

  • Hands-on training in nonviolent direct action
  • Dharma practice & collective healing strategies
  • Dialogues on climate justice, anti-racist organizing, economic inequality, and more
  • Community with wonderful political Buddhists & friends

You are part of our community, and we are inviting proposals for panels, discussions, arts / theater, practice-sessions and whatever else might inspire you. Program slots are 1.5 – 2 hours, and proposals receiving top consideration should fit into one of the four themes of the gathering:

  • Dharma for the People (Topics might include transcending McMindfulness, healing for activists, dharma practice periods, etc.)
  • The Dukkha & Mudita of Anti-Oppression (Topics might include the challenges and joys of anti-racist, anti-sexist, disabilities justice work, in and out of sangha)
  • Interbeing and Earth Justice (Topics might include earth connection, climate justice, animal rights, food justice, etc.)
  • Off the Cushion (Topics might include nonviolent direct action trainings, activist toolkits)

Please send your proposals by May 30, 2014 to In your proposal, please include a title, a brief summary of what you plan to offer, the theme it fits in, any special presentation needs (A/V, room setup, etc), and learning styles you plan to engage (experiential, verbal, tactile, etc). As part of your proposal, please also submit (if you haven’t already) our “Mandala Form.”We will finalize the program by mid-June and let you know by email if we are able to include your proposal.Thank you for contributing your gifts and skills to community!


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