Here it is: the second installment of our year-long curriculum for Buddhist activists.Take a look inside for:An exclusive practice offering video by Rev. Keiryu Lien ShuttPolitical cartoons, Cultural Appropriation Bingo, and other helpful supplementary textsOur favorite pieces from April's Turning Wheel Media, with discussion questions to help us dig in more deeplyAn introduction to the audio recording of our April BPF Members Call on Buddhist direct action to stop the Keystone XL PipelineThere's a lot in here, but don't worry!  Just take it piece by piece; you can always focus on what most interests you, and leave the rest.Click here or click the cover image at right to go to the PDF (password protected, BPF members check your email for access information).Want to become a BPFer?  Membership is $85 for families, $45 for individuals, or $30 for low-income bodhisattvas.[button color="orange" link="" size="medium" font="georgia" align="left"]JOIN BPF & THE SYSTEM STINKS![/button]Thank you for joining us in study, reflection, and action toward a world of generosity, not theft!Dawn Haney and Katie LonckeCo-Directors


In Fullness of Time: Joanna Macy in Seattle with Webcast


Solidarity on International Workers' Day