In Fullness of Time: Joanna Macy in Seattle with Webcast

 Join in an evening with Joanna Macy helping us to reconnect In Fullness of TimeMay 6, 6:30 - 9:30 SeattleNalanda West, 3902 Woodland Park Ave NorthA web cast will be available for those who can not attend in person.In the accelerating pace and pressure of today’s tempo, we as a culture are losing touch with both our past and our future. Drawing on the Buddha Dharma as well as four decades of nuclear activism, Joanna will reflect on how we can expand the temporal context of our lives. She will share stories and practices that help us cultivate an empowering and companionable relationship with past and future generations.More info on FacebookCo Sponsored byCompassionate Action NetworkPeople of Color and Allies SanghaTools for ChangeNalonda WestGreat Turning NorthWest


Assata's Invitation To Wake Up


Now Available To Members! Second Study Guide for The System Stinks