Equality As An Embodied Practice (VIDEO)

joshua stephens equality dharma talkDoes dharma's universality mean that it appears in the same way, to all people, in all circumstances? Or does our embodied experience in "realms" of existence — living in poverty, under occupation, with addiction, in abusive relationship — affect how the dharma shows up in our lives?Our friend Joshua Stephens explores these questions and more in this dharma talk, shared with permission. Enjoy![youtube=http://youtu.be/5w-87DqOJhc][Note: We apologize for being unable to offer a transcript for the video at this time. If you would like to help transcribing the video, please email me at katie [at] bpf [dot] org. Much gratitude!][divide style="2"]Joshua Stephens is a board member with the Institute for Anarchist Studies and a dedicated practitioner with Dharma Punx NYC. A longtime participant in anticapitalist and solidarity movements, he’s spent much of the last year writing on recent global uprisings, contributing to outlets like JadaliyyaNOW Lebanon,Truth-OutUpping the Anti, and blogging for the Buddhist Peace Fellowship from Occupy Wall Street. He’s the author of Self and Determination(forthcoming, AK Press) and blogs here.Read Joshua’s other work for Turning Wheel Media here.


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