BPF Joins first-ever U.S. White House Buddhist Leaders Conference

white houseOn May 14th, monastics, leaders, teachers, activists and scholars from throughout the US Buddhist community are gathering in Washington, DC to engage with each other and with Obama Administration officials on climate change, religious freedom and other pressing issues facing our world.BPF Co-Director Katie Loncke and Board member Sierra Pickett from Oakland, CA, have been asked to join the delegation and give a presentation on the Buddhist Peace Fellowship.Click Here to support BPFers going to Washington!unnamed (1)unnamed

Facing Collective Suffering, Vowing to Work for Justice

At BPF, we direct our attention to the systems that cause immense suffering, and vow to change them - everything from the heavy legacy of slavery to the looming future of climate disruption.We are excited to offer an opportunity to Buddhist leaders in the White House delegation to join BPF in holding hand-painted banners, demonstrating Buddhist commitment to some of the most important peace and justice issues of our time: racial justice, environmental defense, and demilitarization.

The Karma of Slavery is Heavy.I Vow to Work for Racial Justice.

The Whole Earth Is My True Body.I Vow to Work for Climate Justice.

U.S. Militarism Breeds Violence, Not Safety.I Vow to Work for Peace & Freedom.

The banners are painted and on their way to Washington - stay tuned for pictures from the Buddhist delegation to the White House!banner


Can we critique US militarism when we benefit from it?


Seeds of Mindful Resistance: BPF Joins "Occupy the Farm"