BPF Vows To "Marry The Movement" (Full Video)

Only 6 days left for our fall fundraiser — thank you to everyone who continues to give and share! Your support for linking Buddhism and social justice is humbling and inspiring.As an example of the kind of vibrant work your generosity makes possible, today we wanted to share the full video of our August "Marry The Movement" action. (Offered anonymously in a media-sharing file from the action — thank you to the videographer-activist, whoever you are!)This summer BPF collaborated on a bit of street theater to protest the refining of tar sands oil at a Chevron refinery in Richmond, California. We love contributing creativity and energy to the crucial movements against environmental racism and ecological destruction. For us, protecting the earth and its interdependent beings is at LEAST worthy of marriage-level commitment!Vows were co-written by aneeta mitha, Katie Loncke, Dawn Haney, and Max Airborne.

[Performed in "Mic-Check" style, echoed by the crowd][Not filmed]:Dearly Beloved,Now that marriage has accepted heteros and homos,We are gathered here todayBecause we are STILL holy dissatisfied.[Filmed]:What good is marriage if we can't breathe air?What good is a white dress on a poisoned body?Joining two people is not enough,We must all join together to survive!For better or for worse, We vow to fight the tar sandsIn sickness and in health, We vow to fight the pipelinesFor richer or for poorer, We vow to fight corporate oilWe vow to love and to cherishour EarthOurselvesYoung and OldNative and SettlerBlack and BrownTil death do us part!

If this looks like the kind of compassionate confrontation you'd like to support, please help us reach our goal today!

Thank you for growing the movement of Buddhists for social and environmental justice.
We can't do it without you!
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Thank you to aneeta mitha (right, in donated wedding gown), Salima Hamirani (center, in black), Max Airborne, Arturo de Nopales, Alka Arora, Caleb Feldman, and others (not pictured) for helping make this action a success!This action was inspired in part by Southerners On New Ground, and their awesome Marry The Movement video.vimeo.com/69103461To see more BPF-sponsored work educating about the perils of tar sands, visit aneeta mitha's tar sands site:pipelinenation.wordpress.com/


Thus Have I Seen: Progress


"Nonviolence is the Only Means of Struggle Worthy of a Better World"