ZOMG Our System Stinks Fundraiser Is Live!

Having risen at retreat-early hours this morning, we've put the finishing touches on BPF's Indiegogo crowdfunding page, and fired up the engines.Now it's up to all of us.  Check out the video, donate to receive your copy of The System Stinks curriculum, and share the campaign if it speaks to you.Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who has already helped contribute to this vision!  Your encouragement, self-videos, feedback, and video editing expertise (special shoutout to Virginia: it's been such a joy to work with you) have been invaluable.  So today we're bringing The System Stinks one step closer to reality!Compassionate activism.  Spiritual and material liberation.  Personal and collective transformation.  Let's do this, y'all. 


Buddhism and Social Justice News: 8 – 14 October 2012


Awakening Wednesday: Buddhism and the Vice Presidency