What is Nirvana? The Opposite of Apolitical.

I often find that Buddhist practitioners, especially if they're new to the path, hold a misconception that meditation will help them feel peaceful, blissful, and happy. This is also common among people who haven't tried Buddhist practices at all—hence the common usage of the word "zen" to refer to these qualities, as in "I'm feeling so zen." There's an associated assumption, that practicing Buddhism will help the person transcend suffering of all kinds, that they will not feel sad, angry, or other conventionally "negative" emotions. This type of "spiritual bypass" can reinforce any existing tendency towards apolitical-ness, of wanting to ignore or retreat from social injustices.A friend of mine once collected a list of Chinese and Japanese Zen Buddhist responses to a single koan, "What is Nirvana." The wide variety of responses are startling and often funny because they challenge our conventional ideas of what Nirvana is. I'm on the road today and can't put up a longer post, but I offer the list to you as a contemplation of socially engaged Buddhism, or even just Buddhism. They speak to craving, aversion, compassion, equanimity, and so many other qualities we confront or cultivate. Which is your favorite and why? How does it speak to you about practicing Buddhism and being socially engaged, concerned about social justice?What is Nirvana?Answer: You have brought us to hell.What is Nirvana?Answer: What shall we do now?What is Nirvana?Answer: What is your purpose in asking?What is Nirvana?Answer: Now you've gone and done it!What is Nirvana?Answer: Absolute love. Something that is not calculable.What is Nirvana?Answer: In order to reach it, the Iron Cow must sweat.What is Nirvana?Answer: You can't touch it, can't smell it, can't taste it, can't describe it. In fact, I've really been speaking cow-dung.What is Nirvana?Answer: Be well my friend and turn the world upside down.What is Nirvana?Answer: Not this, Not that. Only this, Only that.What is Nirvana?Answer: Do Good. Don't do evil. But even I cannot do this.What is Nirvana?Answer: Make sure your bananas are in order.What is Nirvana?Answer: I chop wood, I carry water.What is Nirvana?Answer: Not two.What is Nirvana?Answer: (holds up an index finger)What is Nirvana?Answer: Just Go Forward.What is Nirvana?Answer: You're wasting such precious time.What is Nirvana?Answer: (screams)What is Nirvana?Answer: Fresh air, white rice, and donkey shit.What is Nirvana?Answer: There's so much pain I cannot tell you.What is Nirvana?Answer: A world in turmoil.


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