What Classic Texts Would You Like To See for "Lies That Build Empire"?

This image (hat tip to engaged Buddhist and artist Kenji Liu) is just one of the many possible examples of a Right Speech meme that attempts to challenge one of the Lies That Build Empire. Plunking an imperialist nation-state front and center on a map is one way of sending the message: This place is the most important.A related question is whether the cartographic and ideological centrality of the US is a cause or a symptom of its imperialist power (or some combination of both, and what combination precisely). It's the kind of question we're excited to geek out about, here at BPF.From Andrea Smith to Gayatri Spivak to Edward Saïd, many thinkers have shaped our current consciousness on imperialism, allowing us to see the world in new ways. Who and what are some of the thinkers and texts that have shaped your understanding of empire? What texts (including visual art, music, etc.) would you like to see included in this first installment of The System Stinks curriculum?Let us know in comments. Happy Tuesday, BPFers!


Honoring the Passing of Dr. Marlene Jones


You Left Before Our Dinner, Old Friend