"We Do Not Live Single-Issue Lives": Climate Change

buddha with animalsBlack lesbian feminist theorist Audre Lorde famously observed:audre lorde single issue At Buddhist Peace Fellowship, we are constantly exploring the interconnectedness of social justice issues: from climate change to colonialism, police violence to affordable housing. Not only do we explore these issues — we act on them.This week we'll take a look at 5 of the areas where we've been working out the intersection of dharma and nonviolent action in 2015. First up:

Climate Change

Just a FEW examples from the year...[divide]

1. Katie, one of BPF's Co-Directors, joined the famous Portland bridge blockade to stop Shell’s Arctic drilling.

(Shell has since ceased all drilling in the Arctic!)Activists hang under the St. Johns Bridge In an attempt to block the Shell leased icebreaker, MSV Fennica from passing under the bridge and joining Shell's Arctic drilling fleet. According to the latest federal permit, the Fennica must be at Shell’s drill site before Shell can reapply for federal approval to drill deep enough for oil in the Chukchi Sea.11781838_10204978712172942_1687198895798346352_nkatie bridge[divide]

2. New York BPFers held Wall Street meditations on climate justice during Pope Francis’ visit


3. BPF Co-Directors Dawn and Katie each presented in One Earth Sangha’s Ecosattva Training

The global webinar drew over 2,000 listeners for its conference calls and recordings.[divide]Especially in light of the COP21 Paris Accord that has disappointed many indigenous communities (including some of those hit hardest by climate disasters), and doesn't appear to have particularly robust enforcement mechanisms, it seems likely that our practices of nonviolent disruption, intervention, earth defense, and compassionate confrontation will continue to come in handy.IMG_3515bpf frackingQuestions, comments, or concerns? Feel free to share in the thread below!And stay tuned for tomorrow's issue: Gun Violence.[divide style=3]

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"We Do Not Live Single-Issue Lives": Gun Violence


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