The System Stinks, Volume 4: Decolonizing Our Sanghas

Our wonderful recorded call with Harsha Walia and Diana Pei Wu, discussing decolonization and spirituality;A brand-new digital album on indigenous tar sands resistance, by Buddhist and photographer aneeta mitha;Thoughtful study guide questions for our favorite essays and interviews from this theme on Turning Wheel Media;Personal practice offerings that join mindfulness and historical investigation;and more.The latest volume of our year-long Buddhist-activist curriculum, The System Stinks, is here!

If you are currently a member of BPF, you should have received our Members' e-newsletter today, with the password to the study guide page.

If you'd like to join up or renew your membership today,you can do so here!

(Please give us up to a week to link you up with password for this and all previous study guides.  Thank you for your patience!)Thank you for connecting your practice to the movements of today, BPFers. The world needs it! We are honored to share this work with one another. May it benefit all beings, and contribute in some small way to the collective rebirth of a just society.Metta and solidarity,Katie and DawnCo-Directors


Happy Friday; May You Enjoy A Weekend of Wisdom


Capitalist Dharma and the Social Ecology of Buddhist Sanghas