Thank You, Nathan! A Magnificent Guest Editor

“The next Buddha, the Buddha of the West, will come as the sangha.”—Thich Nhat Hanh

We want to take a moment today to say thank you and farewell to our latest Guest Editor, the wonderful Nathan G. Thompson!Nathan has exemplified his own philosophies of horizontal leadership and community building through his engagement with the conversations here on Turning Wheel Media. Never "pulling rank," he's always open to discussing differences, finding points of connection in what others are saying, complimenting their contributions, and inviting people into conversations (which occasionally stretch over 100 comments long!). In addition to writing his own essays, he's also conducted lovely interviews, highlighting the work of fellow engaged Buddhists and non-Buddhist bodhisattvas. It's been an honor to work with you, Nathan, and I hope we'll get to meet in person at the BPF 2014, as it materializes!You can read all of Nathan's Turning Wheel Media posts and vibrant dialogues here, and catch his other writings at Dangerous Harvests, Life As A Human, and in print in the anthology 21st Century Yoga: Culture, Politics, and Practice.Palms together, and may we continue to build a broad sangha for the the well-being of all.Katie


Thus Have I Seen: Sangha


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