Thank You For Supporting! (VIDEO)

Week One of the Dharma of Food Justice is complete — now on to Week Two!  If you think it's rad to hear Buddhists talking about social justice, and if our offerings uplift you, please consider donating to support our work.Transcript below the fold.Hey everyone, this is Katie from Turning Wheel Media.  Thanks for being with us this week!It's been an honor to kick off our month of the Dharma of Food Justice with contributions from: rachel bolden-Kramer from New York, who has this incredible piece on her discovery of the transformative power of food through Buddhist retreat practice, and how she now shares that transformative power with others through her Food Stamps Cookbook and her accessible yoga teachings in New York — she, like, does amazing things, and you don't want to miss her piece, which is brilliant and moving.And we also had the honor of sharing a contribution from the Venerable Bhikkhu Bodhi, who is well known for his work with Buddhist Global Relief, around ending hunger, and who asserts that, rather than anger and violence, one of the greatest moral dangers of our time may be spiritual indifference.  So check out his piece as well, and see what you think!If the offerings that you find here on Turning Wheel Media resonate with you, if it makes you excited to see Buddhists talking about issues like food justice, and making visible our commitment not only to spiritual liberation but to material liberation and collective liberation, please consider supporting the organizations of the contributors like rachel and Bhikkhu Bodhi, as well as supporting our work here at Turning Wheel Media.Dollar donations are greatly appreciated, and in the spirit of dana, of generous giving, we appreciate anything that you can give to help us continue offering this as a place where Buddhists and practitioners of dhamma can convene and build our collective commitment towards freedom.  Freedom in all senses.  So thank you so much for your efforts and your support, and be well!  Alright, take care.  (Bows)


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