Support the Emergence of Buddha-as-Sangha

If Thich Nhat Hanh is right that "The next Buddha, the Buddha of the West, will come as the sangha" - it is my belief that East Bay Meditation Center is leading the way to our personal and collective liberation. I invite you to support East Bay Meditation Center - by attending their star-studded upcoming event (see details below) or by making a direct donation to support EBMC's continued flourishing.Sometimes called "The Most Diverse Sangha on the Planet," EBMC is centered not only in teaching the liberation practices of the Buddha, but explicitly doing that through promoting personal and interpersonal healing, social action, and inclusive community building.EBMC makes meditation more accessible for people who too often feel like outsiders in most Buddhist sanghas. EBMC offers sitting groups for people of color, the Every Body Every Mind group for people with disabilities, a queer and trans sangha, and a group for native Spanish speakers. They also offer class series that support the sangha in practicing new ways to relate to each other, like the upcoming workshops on Building Community by Exploring Power and Interdependence and Interconnected: Being Mindful & White in a Multicultural World.They make meditation accessible by operating within a radical all-dana model - every sit, every class, every daylong retreat is offered at no charge.Like BPF offers a beacon for Buddhists to be inclusive of our political selves, EBMC offers a beacon for all our sanghas to deepen our practice to be inclusive of all beings, despite our world being mired in painful delusions like racism, homophobia, nativism, and ableism. They are incubating new practices of radical interconnectedness that are essential to healing and transforming our world. I hope you'll join me at this event, or by becoming a financial backer of the most diverse sangha in the world.~ Dawn


In commemoration of the 45th Anniversary of the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., join the East Bay Meditation Center for a conversation that will explore the possibilities and practicalities of his concept of the "Beloved Community" in the 21st century featuring Alice Walker, Jack Kornfield, and Michael Bernard Beckwith moderated by Konda Mason with special musical guests, Rickie Byars Beckwith & Raz Kennedy.

For tickets:

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Horrors of War, Powers of Compassion


"The Hugest Lies Are About The Smallest Islands": Anti-Imperialist Wisdom Shaping "The System Stinks"