Submit to MOONROOT!

Heads up, folks!  If you don't already know, MOONROOT is a gorgeous, uplifting, and deeply intentional collaborative project created by "womyn, genderqueer, and trans* folks of Asian descent."  Their first zine was freaking rad and beautiful, and the deadline for submissions for issue #2 is coming up, April 29th.  If you self-identify in this community, jump on it!

moonroot iconWHO WE ARE:MOONROOT is an ongoing collective project about race, gender, and bodies.  It is an evolving experiment in deep, loving community-building among self-identified womyn, trans*, and/or genderqueer persons of Asian descent (whether East Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander, Southeast Asian, Central Asian, West Asian, hapa or mixed) living in diaspora, across borders and geographies. We believe that because our multiple and intersecting identities often render us invisible and misrepresented (even within our own communities), reclaiming our voices is a radical act of love and recognition.


Karma of Confinement: Amazing Timeline On US "Freedom"


Land (Re)Occupation and the Second Precept: from Honduras to NorCal