New: $2,000 Soma Award

Soma Award

Honoring Buddhist-Influenced Activism

[divide style="2"]Bringing together the deep streams of Buddhist wisdom and organizing for social change, it is our honor to offer awards of $2,000 to 5 activists whose outstanding work for peace, social justice, and / or environmental defense is influenced by Buddhist wisdom.We name this award in honor of Soma Bhikkhuni, one of the first enlightened Buddhist women and a contemporary of the historical Buddha. Soma Bhikkhuni spoke up against the oppressive social norms of her time, thwarting Mara's efforts to sabotage her on the path. Soma also resonates, regarding somatics, with the critical contemporary need for embodied nourishment and renewal for those on the front lines of change.Colorful painting of Buddha ordaining nuns. Image via Wisdom Quarterly American Buddhist Journal. fund is made possible by the generous giving of thousands of Buddhist Peace Fellowship supporters, whose legacies we strive to honor. Our greatest hope is that social change leaders feel supported in their inner work, particularly at this political moment when the stakes are so very high. We also hope to show the ways in which Buddhism and radically progressive political activism are not mutually exclusive, but can in fact support one another.Each of the 5 recipients will receive an award of $2,000.Qualified candidates will have organized (paid or unpaid) in an area of social justice for at least 2 years. Applicants need not publicly identify as Buddhist, but must demonstrate the ways in which Buddhist practice or identity connects meaningfully with their work, thereby supporting BPF's mission to bring Buddhist perspectives to social movements of our time.Deadline for applications is 11:00pm PDT, April 28, 2017.Please carefully review the complete list of Guidelines in the Application Form.[button color="green" link="" size="big" font="georgia" fontw="bolder" texthcolor="#ff4" align="center"]Apply Here[/button]Award recipients will be contacted by May 15th.Leora Fridman ( is available for any questions or concerns about this effort.[divide style="2"]With gratitude, in dharma,The Buddhist Peace Fellowship


Awakening Together with Integrity


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