Share On Facebook: What Are Buddhists Doing To Honor Trayvon and Fight Racism?

There are times to speak.Times to listen.Times to act.And times to cheer and support the actions of others.Rather than issuing an "Official BPF Statement" on the chilling (yet horribly predictable) acquittal of George Zimmerman for the killing of Black teenager Trayvon Martin, we want to hear from all our Buddhist and spiritual friends, as people witnessing and participating in ongoing movements against racism.What rallies have you joined?What petitions are you endorsing?What good news have you celebrated?  (We are heartened by reports of the Dream Defenders staging a sit-in at government offices in Florida, shown above in a photo by Phil Sears.) What projects are you planning?  What wonderful articles or interviews have you shared?What loving, skillful means are you using to help you and loved ones mourn and cope?  (Even if it's taking a break from all the 'activism' to deal with feelings of rage and powerlessness.  That counts.) Post your photos, links, and descriptions to our Facebook page, and we'll add our favorites to this post on TWM over the weekend.Time to be about it, friends.  What will Buddhists do about anti-Black racism? 


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