SF Zen Center's Contemplative Caregiver Course

Contemplative Caregiver Course

A year-long certificate training

January 24 - November 16, 2013

Caring for someone aging, frail, sick or dying need not be at the expense of your own wellbeing. With Buddhist teachings and mindfulness practice, caregiving can be a beneficial experience for everyone involved.

San Francisco Zen Center is delighted to announce a new, innovative program combining the wisdom and compassion of Zen Buddhism with the knowledge, skills and best practices of healthcare. The year-long Contemplative Caregiver Course is a transformative learning experience that prepares people from all walks of life to compassionately serve the needs of family members and patients while building resilience for themselves.Presented by San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) and Beyond Measure School for Contemplative Care, this three-part program begins in January 2013 and incorporates contemplative, didactic, creative and experiential elements. The program features core faculty Jennifer Block, a Buddhist chaplain and caregiver educator, as well as SFZC teachers Abbess Linda Ruth Cutts and Fu Schroeder.


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