Refuge in the Truth of Change: Session 2 of Refuge & Resistance

fog-240075_1280Welcome back to our January series on Refuge & Resistance!In case you missed it:

Full intro here

Session 1 here

Session 2:

Refuge in the Truth of Change

In this second session, we explore taking refuge in the truth of impermanence (which falls within the second refuge of Dharma).
  • How can we find a sense of refuge in a world that keeps on changing?
  • What does it mean to both accept the truth of change, and contribute to shaping change?
  • How can refuge support sustained wise effort?

There are no one-size-fits-all answers, so each resource is an invitation, not a directive. May something you find here support you and your loved ones in reflection and action. in the Truth of Change with Kate Johnson from Turning Wheel Media on Vimeo.Video Description and Transcript


+   Arun (brilliant creator of Angry Asian Buddhist) seeks to "Be the Refuge" after an unexpected cancer diagnosis. A beautiful, tender piece of writing.

+   Maha Ghosananda stepped into war with refuge and loving resistance more than thirty years ago:

"We Buddhists must find the courage to leave our temples and enter the temples of the human experience, the temples that are filled with suffering. If we listen to the Buddha, Christ, Gandhi, we can do nothing less. The refugee camps, the prisons, the ghettos, and the battlefields then become our temples.

We have so much work to do."

Read more about this Cambodian monastic and peace activist here.


+   Wherever you live, you're invited to pledge to become Ungovernable.

+   Ring the Bells daily at sunrise and sunset starting January 21, in community solidarity and defiance -- connect on Facebook if you can help organize!

+   Lion's Roar has a roundup of Buddhist options for action in the Inauguration, the Women's March, and more.


+   Make Meetings a Refuge: tips from BPF Co-Director Dawn Haney.

+   Interested in building inclusive mindfulness communities? East Bay Meditation Center's Mushim Ikeda digs in to the Real Refuge of multicultural sanghas.

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Save the Date!

Live Videoconference


Tuesday, January 24th, 20175:30–7pm PDT // 8:30–10pm EDT

Join by Video (Preferred): Choose "join audio by computer."

Or by Phone: +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll); int'l numbers here. Meeting ID: 646 978 571

Save the date! See you there!refuge-resistance-centered[divide style="2"] 


Make Meetings a Refuge


When MLK Jr. Rejected "Obnoxious Peace"