Now Recruiting: BPF Board Bad-Ass Bodhisattvas!


Do you know someone committed to supporting Buddhist activism for racial, economic, and climate justice?


The Buddhist Peace Fellowship is recruiting new Board Members for our working board!  

We are looking for Board Members for the following roles:

BPF has a stable, engaged, and proactive board that meets via conference call every several months and in-person once per year for an all Board/Staff retreat. We have an active committee structure that continues to evolve as the organization strengthens its internal operations and expands its reach. If you or someone you know is interested in any of these positions, serving engaged Buddhism and transforming oppression through the spunky, big-hearted, good-humored, and deeply committed collective that is Buddhist Peace Fellowship, send BPF a resume and brief narrative that describes (1) why you are interested in BPF, and (2) what experience and qualities you would bring to this role.

Please apply by November 1st, 2015 to

we will begin to review applications by November 9th.

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Dharma & Direct Action Training: New Orleans in November


“If I Used My Voice This Time”: Bearing Witness at a Protest Against Police Gun Violence