It's here!  Volume 1 of The System Stinks curriculum.  Featuring discussion questions for selected media that we've featured here on Turning Wheel over the past month, plus two "classic texts" from Andrea Smith and Arundhati Roy, and practices you can do at home.

After the richness of last night's phone call with Tendor and Joshua Eaton (recording and transcript forthcoming — thanks in advance to our awesome volunteer for transcribing!), we can't wait to hear what illuminating conversations emerge around the study guide in coming weeks.

Click here or click the cover image at right to go to the PDF (password protected, BPF members check your email for access information).

Want to become a BPFer?  Membership is $85 for families, $45 for individuals, or $30 for low-income bodhisattvas.

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Who Do You Protect? Who Do You Serve?


Do Police and Prisons Make Us Safer?