Newly Launched:

  • Yoga: Not Just For Young, Skinny White Girls.
  • A Trans Guy Walks Into a Yoga Class.
  • Project Bendypants: Practicing Yoga While Fat.

Just a few intriguing titles from popular articles in a new online project: Decolonizing Yoga.

Remember the controversy over Yoga Journal and the Hyatt boycott?  And how some yoga practitioners staged an asana protest outside the hotel?  That compassionate confrontation is the origin of this new project, a web site for spirituality and social justice.  Founder Be Scofield is a transgender writer, activist and Dr. King scholar, a contributor to Turning Wheel Media, and very much involved in the engaged Buddhist world.Poking around the beautiful D.Y. site, I also noticed a video with food justice activist and cookbook author Bryant Terry, who we featured as a "Secret Buddhist" last year on TWM.  Lovely!  There's also a video with Shoken Michael Stone on Buddhism and Social Action: "talking to the 35 under 35 project with Lodro Rinzler about materialism, transcendence, situational ethics, the occupy movement, compartment alizarin, intimacy and action."  So, although Decolonizing Yoga focuses on yoga traditions, there seems to be a strain of Buddhadharma in there, too.Appreciating this new resource for spiritual activists!  Go check it out, and let us know what you find that's especially, wonderfully shareworthy.  


When Buddhists Oppress


Summoning Ghosts: The Art of Hung Liu