Letter from BPF on the Launch of Turning Wheel Media

turning wheel logo of a yellow and orange wheelDear Friends,We are thrilled to launch the Buddhist Peace Fellowship’s newest offering: Turning Wheel Media. This year we transformed our award-winning journal of socially engaged Buddhism, Turning Wheel Magazine, into what you see here: an online forum for socially engaged Buddhism. We will continue to seek out the best in writing, art, and multimedia offerings that explore the meeting of Buddhist practice and social action, but now it will be available to anyone at any time. And, as you’ll soon see, this site was built for conversation and connection.It wasn’t an easy decision for us to shift our resources from printing the magazine into creating this online offering. We loved receiving the print Turning Wheel in the mail and holding it in our hands. However, we believe that what we will all build together with Turning Wheel Media will carry the magazine’s important work into the future, and to many more people. And even more importantly, we’ll be able to interact with each other and with what we read on Turning Wheel Media, and together we’ll be able to move from reflection to action.Social change doesn’t happen by doing what we’ve always done. We’re proud to be a part of a Buddhist Peace Fellowship that is moving with the times. Offering Turning Wheel Media online is only the beginning!See you online,Sarah Weintraub, Executive DirectorChris Wilson, Board President


Unfinished Work


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