Look at all the Beautiful Buddhists with Big Burning Questions!

Thank you to all the beautiful people who submitted video about your Big Buddhist Questions! It's so lovely to see the enthusiastic faces of so many people who are interested in both Buddhism and social action. We're out there!Check out our new video to see for yourself! Folks want to talk about everything from animal rights to the commons. Have a big burning question to add? Let us know in the comments!The System Stinks from Turning Wheel Media on Vimeo.Congratulations to Abe Doherty, the lucky video maker who wins a copy of Not Turning Away: The Practice of Engaged Buddhism, edited by Susan Moon. We're so grateful to everyone who submitted a video to get these dialogues rolling.We hope to bring even more political Buddhists together next year in a series of dialogues we're calling The System Stinks. Sound interesting? Help us make it happen by donating today!


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