Join Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, David Loy, and Others Pledging Pipeline Resistance

As BPFer Taigen Dan Leighton mentioned in his climate change rally reportback, the decision to approve or stop the Keystone XL pipeline's construction on US soil rests entirely in the hands of one person: President Obama.  Congress does not have a say.  But perhaps we, the people in the US, do.That is, if we're willing to take some risks and make some sacrifices.As the fateful Executive choice approaches, Buddhists including Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi, David Loy, and others are signing a pledge to join in civil disobedience if Obama does indeed indicate, in this summer's draft of the National Interest Determination, that he intends to proceed with construction.  (For the record: I predict that he will.)

I pledge, if necessary, to join others in my community, and engage in acts of dignified, peaceful civil disobedience that could result in my arrest in order to send the message to President Obama and his administration that they must reject the Keystone XL pipeline.

You can join by signing the pledge here, and feel free to share your thoughts in comments.  What do you think it will take to stop this pipeline?[divide]Top photo: Jason Reed/Reuters


Burma Human Rights Day Benefit: March 9 in Oakland


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