In Dialogue with Ajahn Sulak Sivaraksa: I Will Not Kill, I Will Not Steal (VIDEO)

What do the precepts of non-killing and non-stealing mean in our world filled with global violence and consumerism? Ajahn Sulak Sivaraksa, Thailand's 79-year-old leader of socially engaged Buddhism, spoke on this question at a Buddhist Peace Fellowship event on March 24, 2012. A founder of the International Network of Socially Engaged Buddhists and a recipient of the Niwano Peace Prize and the Right Livelihood Award, Aj. Sulak spoke directly about the need to examine structural violence and the distortions of media as essential practices for Buddhists living in today's world. Here at Turning Wheel Media, we are excited that our first multimedia offering is this video of Aj. Sulak's engaging talk.The video is broken up into 4 parts; parts 2, 3, and 4 below.[video id=gbGqk0HF9E0 type="youtube"][video id=tUW3XmtKCRg type="youtube"][video id=NGv1YVU2wEM type="youtube"] 


New Face At Turning Wheel: Katie Loncke (VIDEO)


Breaking Through the Waves: Lama Tsultrim Allione Talks About Becoming the Woman She Was Looking For