Happy 70th Birthday Roshi Joan Halifax

Happiest of birthday wishes to our dear friend and teacher, Roshi Joan Halifax of Upaya Zen Center! Thank you for being a leader of socially engaged Buddhism for so many years!My very first Buddhist retreat was at Upaya in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Some friends of the nonprofit rape crisis center I directed offered to send me to Upaya to attend a Fundraising from the Heart workshop with Lynne Twist.While I learned a lot about fundraising, I was also turned on more deeply to Buddhist teachings, particularly those that are engaged with our world. Roshi Joan continues to be an inspiration, with her decades of work with death and dying, with people in prison, and with the environment.You can help celebrate Roshi Joan's birthday and the 20th anniversary of Upaya!Get a taste of Roshi's wisdom by watching her TED talk: Compassion and the true meaning of empathy.With joy,~dawn[video id=dQijrruP9c4 type="youtube"]


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