Generous Giving to Abolish Debt? UK News Profiles Rolling Jubilee

More and more excited about Turning Wheel's focus on Debt & Dharma next month! Would love a Buddhist take on this project, Strike Debt / Rolling Jubilee, which hopes to raise $50,000 to abolish $1 million worth of debt. Sounds intriguing, no?From today's UK Telegraph:

A group of campaigners linked to the Occupy Wall Street movement is buying-up distressed loans for pennies in the pound and cancelling them to "liberate debtors at random."

While clearly not a panacea, especially when it comes to international debt and related structural adjustment programs, this is the kind of creative response to capitalist oppression that we love to see! Read more on the Rolling Jubilee project, watch a video (no subtitles or transcript that we've found, unfortunately), and if you feel inspired, make some media to send to us at submissions [at] turningwheelmedia [dot] org! Deadline November 20th. Let's do this!


I Hate The System Stinks


Preparing for Disaster from New Orleans to New York