Favorite Classics on Theft of Land, Culture, Time?

As we study institutionalized theft in this second theme of The System Stinks, what are some of the classic texts that you've found helpful in understanding systemic theft? We're especially interested in the three forms of theft we've chosen for study this month: theft of land, culture, and time.Theft of Land: Media on colonization, Manifest Destiny, indigenous organizing, sovereignty, expropriationTheft of Culture: Classics on cultural appropriation, assimilation, forced abandonment of languageTheft of Time: Critiques of capitalism from feminist, Marxist, post-colonial, disability justice, socialist, queer, anti-racist, and other perspectives you've found usefulWe're collecting your recommendations to include in our "Further Reading" section for our upcoming study guide coming out May 1. What texts (including visual art, music, etc.) would you like to see included in this second installment of The System Stinks curriculum? We appreciate how widely read BPFers are, so let us know in the comments!


Unravelling the Layers: Contemplating Institutionalized Stealing


Qallunology 201: We are the First De-Indigenized Civilization