Buddhist Perspectives on Occupy

Arising to the Interconnectedness of Life? A Buddhist Perspective on the Occupy Movement - Bernie Glassman, 12/22/11My Brush with Brutality and Love - John Helmiere, 12/14/11Notes on Economy (Pt. 1) - Joshua Stephens, 12/12/11Why I'm Involved in the Occupy Movement - Maia Duerr, 12/11/11Silence in the Occupation -- A Model for Others?- Patrick Groneman, 12/9/11Generosity Keeps on Giving - Max Airborne, 11/21/11Occupy Oakland: A Commitment to Nonviolence - Odyssey Networks, 11/18/11Faith Leaders Respond to Eviction from Zucotti Park - Odyssey Networks, 11/16/11Occupy DC: Praying for Change - Odyssey Networks, 11/14/11Sunday Morning West Oakland - Jacks McNamara, 11/10/11Practicing generosity at the Oakland General Strike, by Max Airborne - Max Airborne, 11/7/11A participant in the November 2 general strike shares an experience using generosity and abundance as forms of protest.Would the Buddha Occupy? - Sujato, 11/1/11Occupy & Arab Spring: Why Engaged Buddhists Should Get Involved - Chris Wilson, BPF Board ChairClergy providing spiritual support for Occupy Chicago masses - Chicago Tribune, 10/27/11, with comments from BPF Chicago Chapter member Jonathan TimmOfficial Interdependence Project Statement on Occupy Wall Street - Patrick Groneman with IDP Staff and Board, 10/24/11Reflections for the US Occupy Movement - Peter Gelderloos, CounterPunch Magazine, 10/14/11Inspired by the tactics of Arab Spring, a group of activists began occupying the plazas of Spain as a form of economic protest. Here, Here, author and activist Peter Gelderloos analyzes what the Occupy movement can learn from its Spanish predecessors.This Is What Compassion Looks Like: A Buddhist View of Occupy Wall Street - Roshi Joan Halifax & Maia Duerr, Upaya Zen Center, 10/14/11Occupy Wall Street: Buddhist Voices - Maia Duerr, The Jizo Chronicles, 10/13/11Remaining Human: A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street,- Michael Stone, Elephant Journal, 10/12/2011One of the critiques of the Occupy movement has been that there is no stated goal or purpose to the protests. Here, psychotherapist, yoga teacher, Buddhist teacher, author and activist Michael Stone provides perspective on why this approach is necessary to create fundamental change in our economic and social system.We are the 100%: A Mindful Response to #Occupy Wall Street - Ari Pliskin, 10/6/11Politics and Practice: How we Face Social Injustice - Meredith Arena, 10/5/11The Protest Chaplains - 10/5/11 Helpful and humorous suggestions on how (and how not) to be a religious presence at a protestDeepak Chopra: Turning Anger into Awareness - 10/5/11Meditating on Wall Street [video] - Maia Duerr, The Jizo Chronicles, 10/1/11Video of a meditation flash mob at Liberty Plaza in New York City. Hip hop artist and yoga practitioner Russell Simmons leads the group in voicing solidarity, protesting class warfare and getting "corporate greed off our ass."


Occupying the Neighbor'hood


My Brush with Brutality and Love