Buddhism and Social Justice News: 1 – 7 October 2012

A Buddhist nun self-immolating inside TibetHere's a roundup of Buddhism and social justice news from 1 through 7 October 2012:Go to: TibetBurmaEngaged Buddhism NewsEngaged Buddhism ViewsTibet


Engaged Buddhism News

  • Obama Karma by Russell Razzaque - Russell Razzaque has written a book of Zen wisdom from President Obama. [Editorial note: I look forward to reading the chapter that reconciles secret unmanned drone strikes with Right Livelihood.]
  • Support Buddhist Global Relief’s Walk to Feed the Hungry - Over the next couple of weeks, there are eight 'Walks to Feed the Hungry' happening all around the U.S., organized by the good folks at Buddhist Global Relief (BGR)."
  • New Pew Survey on Asian-Americans and Religion, and an Old Controversy - A new survey on Asian-American religion from the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life challenges older thinking about the ethnic and political make up of Buddhism in the United States.
  • A Petition to the American Academy of Religion - "The resolution declares that the American Academy of Religion will not patronize a hotel or conference center that is in the midst of a boycott, strike, lockout, picketing or other labor dispute."
  • A Joint Buddhist-Muslim Statement on Inter–Communal Violence in Burma - "A new letter—this one authored by another friend, Bill Aiken of SGI-USA, and expanded in scope beyond Ramadan—has just appeared, and, again, I’m honored to be a signatory and play a role in spreading the word about it."
  • The Counter Narrative - "Papilio Buddha is a fiction feature film that tells the story of a group of displaced ‘untouchables’ in the Western Ghats who embrace Buddhism to escape caste oppression. But it doesn’t help much."

Engaged Buddhism Views

  • The Torah of Nonviolence: An Interview with Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb - "As a representative of both Jewish and nonviolent activism, Rabbi Lynn . . . speaks with Tricycle’s Emma Varvaloucas about what she calls the 'Torah of nonviolence,' her views on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and what leading a life of nonviolence really means."
  • “A Buddhist Perspective on Occupy Wall Street” by Ven. Bhikkhu Bodhi - "In this video, Bhikkhu Bodhi lays out the US economy in clear terms we all can understand. Usually, in my experience, these charts and graphs are limited to nerdy economists and leftists. It’s about time that a clear, Buddhist perspective can show these facts and describe the situation and the moral issues at hand."
  • From Scandal-Like to Just Plain Ugly - "In all traditional forms of Buddhism there is the belief that one can transcend 'reactive patterns and blind spots,' and thus there will always be the potential for abuse of that belief."

"Winners" and "Losers" of the Recession, By Race


Celebrate Indigenous People's Day By Supporting Native Struggles!