Bryant Terry's Cookbook Giveaway Winner

Thank you to everyone who shared, retweeted, and gave an insight and comment in connection with Bryant Terry's video post on dharma, the kitchen and his new cookbook, The Inspired Vegan. Bows of gratitude to the more than forty people who entered the contest to win a free copy of Bryant's book.From the random drawing on Sunday night, our winner is Noemi Martinez!Noemi is "a Chicana/Bori writer slash poet slash mixed media artist superhero sirena living in deep South Texas." It just so happens that Noemi has also been blogging and making zines about veganism! From "Vegan Borderlands":

Being a vegan is as much an identity to me as being a poet, being a Boriqua/Chicana and living on the borderlands, both literally and queerly speaking. It seems only natural that my eating habits find themselves in my poetry and writing. As a single parent, unschooling around the kitchen table is common as well as something I call edupunk, a mix of DIY and punk ethics education. Many of our conversations revolve around food, justice, the environment, oppressions and what it means to be brown bodies living in our society. I am largely truthful about the real world to my two children. The other day I spoke to my son, River, about the high percentage of Latino and Black men in United States prisons and how one in six Latino and Black boys have a chance of going to prison in their lifetime — that is a painful reality check as a parent to a young Chicano. Both my daughter, Winter, and River, grasp that the work I do on domestic violence, DIY (do it yourself) media and racial inequalities is just as important as my veganism.

Congratulations, Noemi!We are honored to be a part of the multi-directional exchanges on food and social justice throughout the month of July. Looking forward to our conversations on health and the dharma in September!


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