BPF Member Call This Sunday: Buddhist Direct Action on KXL

Yesterday was the final chance to submit public comments to the White House in hopes of changing the President's mind on the Keystone XL Pipeline.  Now, the executive decision to continue or discontinue construction of the pipeline rests in Obama's hands.  But he is not the only one who will decide how events unfold.Between Idle No More, the Native Resistance Network, Indigenous Environmental Network, Great Plains Tar Sands Resistance, and many other groups, there is plenty of direct action being prepared in case Obama chooses to continue jeopardizing the well being of the earth and its creatures by green-lighting the KXL.What will be the role of Buddhists in this struggle?  What can we do to take direct action in defense of the earth, and in deep solidarity with those most impacted by the threat of the pipeline?  As Diné native organizer Firewolf Bizahaloni-Wong puts it, what's needed are not only allies, but "accomplices."To find out more about how we can become loving accomplices, all BPF members are invited to our monthly phone call this Sunday, April 28, at 5pm PST / 7pm CST / 8pm EST.  We will explore possibilities for action with Shodo Spring of the Compassionate Earth Walk (a pilgrimage along the proposed route of the Keystone XL Pipeline) and Diana Pei Wu and Jack Downey of The Ruckus Society (an organization of trainers in nonviolent direct action).Check the latest email newsletter from Buddhist Peace Fellowship for the phone number and call info.  If you're not a member yet but you'd like to become one, you can sign up here.Talk soon!


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