Another World is Possible

"Another world is not only possible,she is on her way.On a quiet day,I can hear her breathing."- Arundhati Roy
Imagine a world in which thousands of people trained in both political transformation and Buddhist practice are helping the arc of history bend toward liberation.

It was just a month ago when we shared this vision with you. We knew we were dreaming a big dream, one much bigger than we could accomplish on our own. As we lovingly put it out into the world, we hoped at least a few of you would get excited and join us.We set outselves an enormous goal - raise $30,000 in just over 30 days to launch our dialogue series, The System Stinks. We risked criticism, burnout, and outright failure. The stakes were high: a failed campaign might well be the last dying gasp of this fellowship of Buddhists seeking peace, justice, and liberation for all beings.Today, November 15, marks the final day of our campaign.WE DID IT!With under 24 hours left to go, we've raised $32,975 to support new media and training for spiritual activists and political Buddhists. So many people (187 and counting!) contributed anywhere from $5 to $10,000.We've loved hearing from so many people over the course of this campaign. We adore our new friends who have girl crushes on us (and oh yes, that feeling is mutual!). We're so grateful for the people who let us know they think "The System Stinks" really stinks. And we're still in awe from the day we got recognized on the street by someone "literally only a day after I spent excited hours looking at the BPF site, and seeing plenty more that resonates with me politically."We love you all for joining the conversation - whether with skepticism or enthusiasm, whether you were able to donate or spread the word, whether you've read every one of our emails or can't wait for us to go back to sending emails a couple of times a month. (Soon to come - an option to let us know how much you want to hear from us!)There's still time to join the conversation. A donation of at least $45 during the Indiegogo campaign (or $30 for low-income folks) gets you full access to The System Stinks curriculum in 2013 - 6 downloadable themed readers and 12 monthly national phone calls. If you've been intrigued by the conversations happening, please join us in The System Stinks dialogues now! Still deciding if it's your thing? Check out the video which was described as "awesome, inspiring and adorable - a combination I do not often come across!"We appreciate your patience, your support, and your enthusiasm for this labor of love we're calling The System Stinks. We're so honored that you are on our team. It means everything that you are doing this with us.With hearts filled up on gratitude,Dawn Haney & Katie LonckeCo-Directors, Buddhist Peace FellowshipP.S. The System Stinks fundraising campaign ends today - Thursday, November 15 at 11:59 pm PST. Help us make it to $35,000 so we can make The System Stinks even more rad!


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