ACTION ALERT: Anti-Pipeline Sit-In Outside BC Parliament

Heads up (via Jill Baptist on the BPF Facebook page — thanks, Jill!):

Tzeporah BermanStephen Lewis, David SuzukiNaomi Klein and Bill McKibben will be among 80 high-profile public figures sitting outside the BC parliament on October 22 to protest tar sands pipelines and oil tankers along the west coast. The sit-in protest is expected to be the largest act of peaceful civil disobedience on the issue to date in Canada.

For some 101 on the tar sands and pipeline struggles, here's one Tedx Talk by Garth Lenz: "The true cost of oil."  I'm sure y'all can recommend more great sources in comments.  This is serious business, with incredibly high stakes.  May we greet the challenge.[video type=youtube id=84zIj_EdQdM]

[Top Photo: A police officer watches over protesters who crossed a barricade to take part in a sit-in against the Keystone XL pipeline on Parliament Hill in September 2011. A similar mass sit-in at the B.C. legislature is being planned to protest the proposed Northern Gateway pipeline project. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/Adrian Wyld)]


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